Monday, March 16, 2015

SXSWFilm Tab Hunter Confidential premier post screenign Q&A w/Jeffrey Schwarz and TAB HUNTER + trailer + interview

Jeffrey Schwarz scores again with one more pop culture icon. In the '50's Tab Hunter was the most handsome actor in Hollywood and look exactly like the boy every mother wanted her son to marry. He was a closeted homosexual and a Hollywood Star. When he told his agent the legendary start maker Henry Wilson that he want to be released . Wilson retaliated by leaking to the Hollywood CONFIDENTIAL the arrest record that identified Tan Hunter (A Wilson invented name just like Rock Hudson , Race Gentry etc) as attending a homosexual slumber party when he first arrived in hollywood .. Wilson did this partially as an act of revenge bit more importantly to protect his biggest star Rock Hudson who had been arrested for having sex with fellow actor and future author Tom Tyron at night on Santa Monica Beach  (the gay section), Hudson fed the scandal sheet as he wished Hudson to Las Vagas to marry Wilson's lesbian secretary Phyllis .. and that was the headline the world woke to the next morning HOLLYWOOD HUNK  ROCK HUDSON GETS MARRIED IN :AS VEGAS  and no  LEADING MAN AND HEART THROB ACTOR ROCK HUDSON CAUGHT HAVING SEX ON THE BEACH WITH FELLOW ACTOR TOM TYRON... Inteviws with the Hollywood ladies who "dated" him including the now a Nun but thank a budding startlet Delores Heart , Connie Stevens, and oMG  Rona Barret there are many stories revealed int he fascinating look at what it was like to be a movie star in hollywood in the 5o's and 69's and privately a gay man  .... and Tab with his partner of over 30 years came on to the stage still handsome in his 80's and you could feel the swoon all the women over 50 in room .. and it was packed with ladies who had dressed for the occasion.. See it: a good conversation start to a current conversation about has anything really changed about being gay in hollywood????  A tasty doc ...

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