BPM: trust me this is a film not to be missed. It delivers on every level what David France's dishonest documentary HOW TO SURVIVE A PLAGUE failed to deliver. A perfect balancing of the personal with the political and compliments Jim Hubbard's remarkable documentation of Act Up NYC's activist history "UNITED IN ANGER". BPM is a film for anyone who was in any ACT UP or anyone still alive fighting for their lives be it AIDS or any other disease with out a cure; or anyone too young to actually have lived through what we did from 1981, (AIDS it is not over) Or anyone who is living with loss or grie. BPM is authentic, emotionally truthful and not afraid to tell the whole truth of how a community was born inside ACT UPs. How we struggled with keeping people alive and how we keep hope alive by expressing our anger and rage. How we also made love with each other, practicing safe sex as we ran in the streets
Here is the trailer: https://youtu.be/VBPdx_iaQb
HERE IS THE NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL POST SCREENING Q&A( LIVE STREAM) of BPM, a story about ACT UP Paris and the post/screening Q&A with the director Robin Campillo and two actors Arnaud Valois and Nahuel Pérez Biscayart moderated by Amy T Taubin member of the selection committee. (109/17)
HERE IS THE NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL POST SCREENING Q&A( LIVE STREAM) of BPM, a story about ACT UP Paris and the post/screening Q&A with the director Robin Campillo and two actors Arnaud Valois and Nahuel Pérez Biscayart moderated by Amy T Taubin member of the selection committee. (109/17)


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