Live like her I suggest no matter what you do .. hope is born in action and communication. Shout out the names you know.... shout out ..take ACTION here now , blessed be
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Oh No Mireliie Darc has permanently left the room .. and we are bereft of her beauty
Monday 28 August
Death of Mireille Darc
It is to be hoped that not only Mireille Darc , who died on August 28 at 79 years of age, will be remembered only for her long association with Alain Delon and the beauty of her long body, which she liberally offered to the delight of the spectators. She was much better than these anecdotal provisions and for only twenty years she was an essential actress of French cinema.
We discovered first his ravishing and slightly crumpled face in one of the masterpieces of television, Hauteclaire or the happiness in the crime according to one of the news of the "Diaboliques" of Barbey d'Aurevilly , realized by Jean Prat in 1961.
A dozen films and the inscription in the collective imagination in " Les barbouzes " by Georges Lautner in 1964 when the camera, first frozen on the face of Amarante, unveiled in shift track the very small outfit of the tearful widow (!) Of the great arms dealer Constantin Benard Shah.
Followed in 1965, always from Lautner, the unknown and interesting Galia , where Mireille Darc invested a character who was going to make floures, that of the "free woman". That is to say, much more than a "liberated woman": there was no societal demand in this desire for independence and freedom.
There followed many very charming films, often made by Lautner ( Do not be angry "1966 Large grasshopper - and the nickname will him up like a glove - 1967 Sorrel Flower 1968 Let go, it ' Is a 1971 waltz , 1972 was once a cop , The 1973 suitcase , Ice breasts 1974, Death of a 1977 death ) or Édouard Molinaro ( The pink phone 1975, The man pressed 1977). Popular cinema often of quality where Mireille Darc could be by turn seductive, disquieting, murder ...
She stopped shooting in 1986, thirty-two years ago.
What image will we keep from it? Perhaps that of the Big blond with a black shoe of Yves Robert in 1972 where she wore this incredible black long dress that, however great austerity face, nevertheless revealed deliciously its sumptuous fall of kidneys. Impetuous
1 topic
We discovered first his ravishing and slightly crumpled face in one of the masterpieces of television, Hauteclaire or the happiness in the crime according to one of the news of the "Diaboliques" of Barbey d'Aurevilly , realized by Jean Prat in 1961.
A dozen films and the inscription in the collective imagination in " Les barbouzes " by Georges Lautner in 1964 when the camera, first frozen on the face of Amarante, unveiled in shift track the very small outfit of the tearful widow (!) Of the great arms dealer Constantin Benard Shah.
Followed in 1965, always from Lautner, the unknown and interesting Galia , where Mireille Darc invested a character who was going to make floures, that of the "free woman". That is to say, much more than a "liberated woman": there was no societal demand in this desire for independence and freedom.
There followed many very charming films, often made by Lautner ( Do not be angry "1966 Large grasshopper - and the nickname will him up like a glove - 1967 Sorrel Flower 1968 Let go, it ' Is a 1971 waltz , 1972 was once a cop , The 1973 suitcase , Ice breasts 1974, Death of a 1977 death ) or Édouard Molinaro ( The pink phone 1975, The man pressed 1977). Popular cinema often of quality where Mireille Darc could be by turn seductive, disquieting, murder ...
She stopped shooting in 1986, thirty-two years ago.
What image will we keep from it? Perhaps that of the Big blond with a black shoe of Yves Robert in 1972 where she wore this incredible black long dress that, however great austerity face, nevertheless revealed deliciously its sumptuous fall of kidneys. Impetuous
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
NYFF 55 Must see 120 Beats Per Minute Grand Prize Winner Cannes 2017 –
ASAP as you can get your ticket for Cannes 2017 top prize winner (Gold Palm) 120 Beats per Minute do it.Making its American debut at the New York Film Festival 55th edition. 120 Beats per Minute is a narrative film written and directed by accomplished filmmakers who were former members of ACT UP Paris.Robin Campillo and Phillippe Mangeo bring vividly to screen the desperate and unstoppable activism that seized gay and straight young men and women in Paris in the early 90's. Some were sick and all knew someone who was or had died. They were inspired by the US ACT UP movement and its very queer and very confrontational politics ACT UP Paris wanted cures now and medication for all.
Contrasting 120 Beats per Minute with the dishonest American "documentary", David France's How to Survive a Plague" makes one realize that craft and vision and and vision are the cornerstones of authentic storytelling. 120 Beats per Minute shimmering with the energy of Act Up Paris in the street and in the national Face 120 Beats per Minute captures with a craftmanship, authenticity and joy (the joy of surrender on the dance floor 10 a 120 beats per minute disco anthem like Bronski Beats "SMALL TOWN BOY ". 120 Beats per Minute reverberates with the desperate energy, passion and fear which seized the gay and lesbian across the world as the AIDS pandemic spread. Trust me you want to be present in the audience when 120 Beats per Minute premieres at Film Society Lincon Center presesnt the 55 Edition of the NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL ...
C had his Mario, Warhol had his Edie, Todd Haynes, his Juliana, Curt, McDowell his Vivian and Verow his Philly Able. Who muses who has been an interesting discussion among lovers and haters of their work. .Every Verow film captivates and seduces me whether I like it or not ... a mark of an engaged artist in my world
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CAN'T WAIT! LSD! CIA! the unraveling of Wormwood | Teaser [HD] | Netflix
Errol Morris directs this series that probes the mysterious death of a Cold War military scientist involved in a secret biological warfare program.
Monday, August 28, 2017
looking for love...a son helps his mother
Millions of people have followed this quite beautiful story of a son wanting to make sure his mother was happy. It is in three short parts ... I always try through culture to balance out sadness with something that gives me joy. (no siggers please!) So here is a little light in these dark Harvey/Trump days :
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
part 3
Published on May 10, 2015
I would like to introduce you to my mother, Eva, who´s single and deserves a good man. If you are that man or know someone who could be, than please contact us at:
music: original score from TheBandsGonnaMakeIT as well as one track: "three" by Cameron Ernst, which i have bought the rights to use for this little short through MusicBed.
I would like to give an extra special thanks to Wenche Selvig Johansen for all her endless support, you´re awesome Swanks. Also to the Dampling brothers Jonathan and Sebastian Lundmark, John Jacobsen, Anthony Huus and all my other good friends for pushing me to get things done, thanks again:)
And last but not least i would like to thank my mother for being so brave that she let me post this video, and at the same time exposing her to the world. Please be kind to her and everyone else, including animals. We all deserve to be loved:)
music: original score from TheBandsGonnaMakeIT as well as one track: "three" by Cameron Ernst, which i have bought the rights to use for this little short through MusicBed.
I would like to give an extra special thanks to Wenche Selvig Johansen for all her endless support, you´re awesome Swanks. Also to the Dampling brothers Jonathan and Sebastian Lundmark, John Jacobsen, Anthony Huus and all my other good friends for pushing me to get things done, thanks again:)
And last but not least i would like to thank my mother for being so brave that she let me post this video, and at the same time exposing her to the world. Please be kind to her and everyone else, including animals. We all deserve to be loved:)
HOUSTON FRIENDS stay inside please : Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Didn't it rain, children
Worried about my friends in Houston .. hope they are staying inside if they were not evacuated is a little spirit song to look at life and remember spirit carries us through
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
The Film Society of Lincoln Center ' NYFF 54 has always been the Grand Dame of US Film Festivals and seen internationally as on the A+ List of festivals that matter. This year now that the dust of change has settled Kent Jones and his programing team led by Dennis Lim, Any Taubin, Florence Almaozini, Gavin Smith has stepped into the fire of the actual world we live as see through the story telling skills of directors of narrative and documentary film. NYFF remains an essential survey of best of world festivals/ But this year a bold choice for the opening night is the selection of Ave Duvernay's bold, painful and essential documentary 13th. A look at the history of racism in the US and how pre and post the passage of the 13th Advmendment slavery still exists in the US lubiricated by the economic drive of forced labor, mass incarceration and the new Jim Crown, Essential viewing in for all Americans, And how it archs with the quite brilliant James Baldwin stained I AM NOT YOUR NERGRO and the perhaps most beautiful film I have seen this year MOONLIGHT a love story that would have been impossible to show when Baldwin was alive and finally TWO TRAINS RUNNIN" in 1964 the Freedom Riders were going South to register voters and break the strangle hold of the KKK, At the same time young blues musicians including John Fahey went South to find to find black blues legends .Skip James and Son House. Both groups wound up in Mississippi..which was ground zero of racial hatred and where James Chaney Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwemer were murdered.. each film is essential viewing to understnd how black people in America survived with diguinty the horrows of vilionce, physical brutality, dehiumaixizing treatmeat that has brought us to this BLACK LIVES MATTER Moment. It also shows that while not wbecasue of tecknology the killings og mstly black unarned men by police officers across the country it is not new , thishas been going on ever since slaves were bought and stolen in Africa and delivered to the North America .
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
The Real WONDER WOMAN has arrived Charlize Theron ATOMIC BLOND delivers

Action Hero? .. you bet ... and the clothes! and the 80' techno soundtrack. This is grown up fun ..even if it has more gun action than even Baby Driver!
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