1: The Diplomat
Regal 3: 30PM , 9:30 PM
A father/son story played out against a background of world crisis, Richard Holbrooke who negotiated peace agreements in what were thought to be hopeless conflicts like Bosnia. Holbrooke was a career diplomat with an ego and a passion for peace. His son David says he made the film to find his father who was absent from the family a lot of time as he made the world safe for other families it plays today : at 3:00 P in theater 6 at the Regal in Battery Park City
Post -world premier screening at Tribeca Film Festival a panel moderated by Katie Couric discuss the film w/David Holbrooke, Rowan Farrow, Roger Cohen and Stacy Reiss This was the best Q&A I saw at this year's Tribeca Film Fesitval
2: Transfatty Lives director Patrick O'Brien (Tribeca Film Festival Audience Award Winner)
Regal 3:40, 9:30
transfatty lives trailer
No it is not about a pre-op, overweight person! It is about a young DJ (DJ Transfatty) and film maker, Patrick O'Brien who is diagnosed with Lou Gehrig disease (ALS) .. (please don't turn away .. I know I almost did ..it was too close to the death of my friend Richard Glazer who co-directed (or so they said ) Still Alice and passed a couple of days after Julianne Moore won her Oscar). I am so glad the publicist David Magdael insisted I see this film . It is about human spirit and artistic vision that trumps physical disability, Transfatty Lives is about a dying man leaving a cinematic message to his son. Transfatty Lives is about family and about the ability of humans to find humor (trust me there are a lot of laughs ) in the worse of times. DO see it,... and yes after seeing this documentary I realized that in fact Wash Westmoreland was telling the truth when he said Richard Glazer co-directed Still Alice.
Transfatty lives world premier post screening Q&A w/dir Patrick O'Brien
3: Requiem for the American Dream co-directors: Jared P. Scott, Peter Hutchinson, Kelly Nyk
TRAILER https://vimeo.com/123515011 5; 40 Regal
The Emperor's New Clothes director Michael Winterbottom
2:30 SVA (23rd st theater)
Two films take on how to save both American Democracy and the world from the triumph of capital. Requiem features excerpts from a series of conversations with Noam Chomsky with almost perfect graphics that excite the eye with their direct illustration of the words of Chomsky . Emperor's New Clothes is comedian and self-named public intellectual Russell Brand doing a Michael Moore "I am the center of this film" imitation in a whirlwind of actions and insights as he travels back in forth between Wall Street and London's Fenchurch Street, Whittenbotton edits with the manic energy of Brand and the occupy movement. Both are essential but Requiem because it is Chomsky soars ahead with his clarity of language and grounded response to crisis. But as serious as Brand is, he is also halarious!
4: Sworn Virgin director Laura Bispuri
Regal 2:30 , 8:30
Lila (Flonja Kodheli) with Mark (Alba Rohrwacher): "We have two different ways for women to react to be free."
Insightful look at how misogyny traps women in no exit roles. Set in Albanian village and centered on two women and how they escape the roles they are expected to play . One swears to remain a virgin to the village Elders and is treated as if she is a celibate man, the other flees from an arranged marriage. Sworn Virgin is not just asimple feminist polemic.Director Laura Bispuri brings a formal eye to a landscape cold and beautiful and allows the land and the people to inform her story. Indelible performances.
Anne Katrin Titze revealing interview with actress Fionie Kodheh
5; Cartel Land director Matthew Heineman
Regal 5 PM
Cartel Land clip first seen in Time Magazine
Cartel Land looks at both sides of the boarder and how citizens rather than government are fighting the cartel drug smuggling Mexico has a charismatic Che-like Doctor and Arizona has ex-military patrolling the border. Vigilantes? heroes? you decide.
Sundance post screening Q&A
6: Among the Believers co-directors Hemal Trivedi and Mohammed Ali Naqvi
- i
True believers and religion is an extremely dangerous mix . When children are indoctrinated at an early age when as is said in Among the Believers "they are malleable" they become the soldiers of hate. Be they be trained in the Red Mosque schools in Pakistan or the Settlements in Gaza. Among the Believers follows one boy and one girl who the Red Mosque have taken in from their improvised families . Necessary viewing
6: King Jack director Felix Thompson
Tribeca Film Festival Audience Award Winner Narrative Film
Regal 3:15. 9:15
CLIP King Jack clip
Australian ex-pat and NYU Film School Grad Felix Thompson has managed to tell the story of a kid who is sensitive,not gay just different and how teenage bullies operate. How to stand up for yourself even when it hurts. Star making roles for two of the young actors the lead Charlie Plummer (Jack) and the principal bully, Danny Flaherty (Shane) who was so good in his role that the audience booed at the screening I attended,. He is a regular on the cable series THE AMERICANS
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Ed Harris and Kjames Franco tense father and son scene |
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Amber Head and James Franco |
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