Thursday, January 21, 2016

Please join me in these live events to be =live streamed at SUNDANCE 2016 and documented on YOURTUBE

HEY you can JOIN ME  in the Sundance LIVE events at HOME  :

Here is a list of ALL the Sundance live streams :

and here is the youtube link for all archived livestreams

Join me at the  opening PRESS CONFERENCE  (this is a BIG DEAL

The Sundance Facebook page is a wealth of information and videos

Spotify has playlist of all the musicians playing the ASCAP music cafe

You may not be able to be on the Ski Slopes of Park City , but you will be able to join me from the comfort of you home at events I will be attending
And Yes I do believe there is nothing live seeing a Sundance film at its Premier with a live audience ...plan ahead and join me next year


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