Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Michael Stipes breaks silence and composes instrumental music for Tom Giroy's much buzzed about new film THE COLD LANDS

Well this is good news! Stipe's takes a break from his art photography projects to add some instramental music to friend Tom Gilroy's new, beautiful (shades of cinema master Jim Herbert infuses ) new fim THE COLD LANDS . One of Gilroy's previous works SPRING FORWARD is one of my secret favorite US indie fims. This is good news for a us REM fans ...hoping we get to hear Stipe's voice and soul music again soon. Both Michael and Tom were at the opening of P.J. RAVA L's BEFORE YOU KNOW IT last week and we chatted about the fim and Tom's latest at Pieces on Christopher Street where the after party was held , BEFORE YOU KNOW IT is a documentary for ever singe person (and that means you ) who has ever stood with the lesbian and gay community in the fight for equa protection under the law. But it is less about politics this study of thre old gay men than it is about  compssiion and humanity as Raval makes visibe those peope the media forgets. I love it ... it is playing at the Quad in NYC unti friday.... you can watch a clip from the music and hear Stipe's instramental  music

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