jim fouratt's REEL DEAL:Movies That Matter
Monday, April 5, 2021
WOW! New Orleans (1947) Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Woody Herman Musical...
New Orleans (1947) Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Woody Herman Musical...
Sunday, February 14, 2021
What I was doing when Trump was acquitted .. Please watch and read
MEANWHILE: Why have I put this clip from Louis Malle’s first film (1958), “Elevator from the Gallows” Because I identify with the feeling Jeanne Moreau silently seems to express. Miles Davis’s improvised score resonates deeply and grounds me.
Why? Please read:
Let’s step back for a moment. Please realize that the continual use of the words "riot" and "rioters" denies what actually happened. It was, in fact, a mob with a purpose. They were intent on stopping the count of the electoral ballots. If completed, it would confirm the election of Biden/Harris. Suppose they had succeeded (which they came very close to doing!) would have left Trump and his administration in control. What had not been clearly stated by the Democratic managers is: Sometime in April, it became clear to the Trump inner circle that COVID was not going to disappear. They looked realistically at its impact on the election and realized it could derail the election of Trump. While plan A was already in action: mobilize the base through campaign rallies to win. If Trump lost, it would be because of VOTER FRAUD! For months this rhetoric was turned up in volume as the clock ticked! It culminated in November with STOP THE COUNT and STOP THE STEAL. Trump and his supporters began to organize starting last Spring. This is not a secret. Both media and digital tech amplified it. The coverage of Black Lives Matter’s reaction to the continual police killing of unarmed black men, some black women, and the persistence of the public response was foregrounded. It was providing the cover for the fear-based white supremacy response. QAnon (who really started it and why?.) “Pizza Gate” was my first knowledge of Q’Anon when it seduced a close friend.
The defense lawyers have hammered home the message that Trump had nothing to do with the insurgent mob violence despite the open genuflecting at the Capital by the mob to Trump and his STOP THE STEAL call to arms. His rally on Nov 6th was a call to arms of the diverse Trump militia. “Heil Trump” seemed to be the rallying point of unity.
So here I am today feeling much like the Jeanne Moreau character in this Louis Malle 1957 film with Miles Davis soundtrack resonating my feelings.
Yes, I want Trump convicted. I want him never again to be able to excite the public with his irrationally lies —the of his actual actions both in his personal and his Presidential life.
As good as it looks with the first 100 days of actions, the Biden administration does not reflect the things most important to me today. I want Medicare for All. I want the Green New Deal. I want FAIR TAXES where every worker and every corporation pays a Fair Tax. I want private Colleges and Universities to pay taxes. I want free public education for all qualified citizens; I want enforced Separation of Church and State as defined in the Constitution. I want Churches taxed. I want the end of sexism and misogyny. I want the air I breathe to be clean and healthy. I want the food I eat to be nutritious.s
I am at an age where I want to make sure a better worldis possible for all people, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, class, race, age, and physical capability. These changes are especially important to me for the generations that follow.
I want what I have fought for all my life to be on the table.
To be openly discussed and put into action.
A living wage, control of one’s own body, accessible education, gun control,
police as peacekeepers need no more debate. I want the death penalty to be abolished. The end of nuclear energy to fuel the war machine. End Income equality Until we white folks detox ourselves the internalized racism embedded by culture and education of the internalized racism Act now.
NOTE: As I was about to post this message, Trump was acquitted.
A return to a reality check of how serious this moment is. Let me say one more time: I stand with the expanding SQUAD, Not the Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi or Obama centrist Democratic Party. They gave us Biden. Yes, to stop Trump, But it is clear that we have a lot of work to do……. together!
I believe a better world is possible. We must continue to refuse fascism and corporate welfare. Dangerous Times indeed. Stay safe, and remember love, not anger, must lubricate our resistance. What we have in common MUST be put above where we disagree at this critical moment. Capitalism and its promotors want to tear us apart. Don’t be fooled. Remember, GREED is infectious
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Tonight; SATURDAY, May 9th and Sun May 2020
Sundance 2020 Interview: Sara Kiener on the Warm Embrace of “The Shawl”
On the jubilant tale of two lovers recognizing just how much magic they have together during a Stevie Nicks concert.
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